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基于模型的测试属于软件测试领域的一种测试方法。按照此方法,测试用例可以完全或部分的利用模型自动产生。以上所说的模型通常是指对被测系统(SUT,system under test)某些(通常是功能性的)方面的描述。
模型一般都是对被测系统预期行为动作的抽象描述。 这些测试用例的集合就是我们平时所称的抽象测试套件(abstract test suite). 抽象测试套件不可以直接执行于需测试的系统,因为,他们不在同一抽象级别。
测试套件(test suites)是由模型生成,而不是由源代码生成。因此,基于模型的测试又常常被当作黑盒测试的一种形式。但从某种层面来说, 这并不十分准确。毕竟,基于模型的测试是与源代码级的测试覆盖率,以及对代码的功能测试都有着很大的关系。






Tools (in alphabetical order)
  • AsmL Test Tool can generate tests directly from an AsmL model
  • ATD-Automated Test Designer is a model-based testing tool that generates automatically test cases, test data and test automation scripts from requirement specifications
  • AutoFocus (in German) is a graphical tool for developing and modeling distributed systems with integrated testing facilities
  • Conformiq Qtronic is a design model driven automatic on-the-fly testing tool employing UML and Java models
  • Conformiq Test Generator is a tool that executes tests from UML state charts that represent testing strategies
  • Leirios Test Generator is a model-based testing tool that generates tests automatically from UML 2.0 system specifications
  • Lurette is an automated testing tool of reactive programs written in Lustre
  • Reactis Tester is another model-based testing tool that focuses on control systems
  • Spec Explorer is a model exploration and test suite generation tool from Microsoft that uses Spec#, C#, or AsmL to describe models
  • TGV is a tool for the generation of conformance test suites for protocols
  • TorX is also a prototype testing tool for conformance testing of reactive software